Chapel MAO

The space for temporary exhibitions of the permanent collection of the archive of the Museum of Architecture and Design respects the existing spatial context. The volume extends to the border above which the frescoes are well preserved, on the side it is withdrawn from the interior facades and is raised from the ground for easier maintenance. The walls with preserved paintings are visually present through the exhibition grid - the inner shell of the new building. The grid breaks horizontally in the position where original niche appears, the niche relieves the exhibition facility and can be used as an additional exhibition space. The currently unused sacral facility is given a new educational content.

Project:                      exhibition
Investor:                    Museum of Architecture and Design
Authors:                     with Sadar + Vuga d.o.o.
                                      Maša Ogrin, m.i .a.
                                      Boštjan Vuga, u.d.i.a.

Kapela MAO

Mreža za občasne razstave stalne zbirke arhiva Muzeja za arhitekturo in oblikovanje spoštuje obstoječi prostorski kontekst. Volumen sega do meje nad katero so freske dobro ohranjene, ob strani se umakne od notranjih fasad in je dvignjen od tal za lažje vzdrževanje. Skozi razstavno mrežo - notranjo lupino novega objekta so stene z ohranjenimi poslikavami vizualno prisotne. Mreža se horizontalno prekine, kjer se pojavi niša v kapeli, niša razstavni objekt razbremeni in je lahko izkoriščena kot dodatni razstavni prostor. Trenutno neuporabljani sakralni objekt dobi novo začasno izobraževalno vsebino.


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