House Kokra
Kokra House is intended for a family who wants to stay on farm in mountains. The living spaces are divided into two levels, as the client wanted to provide space for agricultural vehicles and storage of equipment in the basement.
The living space is dynamic and at the same time enables a pleasant stay in contact with nature, above the level where agricultural activities take place. In the attic, however, there are additional bedrooms, rooms and a bathroom that may one day be dedicated to volunteers on the farm.
Project: new building l architcture
Investor: private
Area: 150 m2
Author: Maša Ogrin, m.i.a.
The living space is dynamic and at the same time enables a pleasant stay in contact with nature, above the level where agricultural activities take place. In the attic, however, there are additional bedrooms, rooms and a bathroom that may one day be dedicated to volunteers on the farm.
Project: new building l architcture
Investor: private
Area: 150 m2
Author: Maša Ogrin, m.i.a.
Hiša Kokra
Hiša Kokra je namenjena družini, ki želi bivati na visokogorski kmetiji. Bivalni prostori so nivojsko razdeljeni na dve poletaži, saj je naročnik želel v kleti zagotoviti prostor za kmetijska vozila in spravilo opreme.
Bivalni prostor je tako dinamičen in hkrati omogoča prijetno bivanje v stiku z naravo, nad nivojem, kjer se odvijajo gospodarske dejavnosti. V mansardi pa so dodatne spalnice, sobe in kopalnica, ki bodo morda kdaj namenjene prostorvoljcem na kmetiji.
© 2022 Maša Ogrin