The Music Park on the southern embankment of the Drava River in Maribor
The music park on the southern embankment of the Drava River in Maribor is a support project for the internationally renowned music festival Lent, which takes place every summer in Maribor. The festival is known all over the world, but it does not have arranged venues, so every year temporary stands are set up in the city.
The park would provide the festival with a permanent spatial platform with halls for larger and smaller performances, as well as outdoor performance spaces, and would be available for use by music and performance groups throughout the year.
Architectural and landscape intervention along the river would enable the further development of Maribor, which has a rich history of performing arts and would also enable development of the former industrial area in the vicinity of the river Drava.
master’s degree l landscape l architecture l society
Author: Maša Ogrin, m.i.a.
Mentors: prof. Jurij Kobe, u.d.i.a.
asist. Rok Žnidaršič, u.d.i.a.
Consultants: prof. Regine Keller, landscape
asist. Josip Konstantinovič, construction
Thanks: Rudolf Ogrin
Tilen Sepič
Domen Barovič
Alenka Dolenc
Glasbeni park na južnem nabrežju reke Drave v Mariboru naj bi deloval kot podportni projetkt mednarodno uveljavljenega glasbenega festivala Lent, ki vsako poletje poteka v Mariboru. Festival je znan širom po svetu, a nima urejenih prizorišč, zato vsako leto v mesto postavljajo začasne tribune.
Park bi festivalu omogočil stalno prostorsko platformo z dvoranami za večje in manjše performanse, kot tudi zunanje performativne prostore, tekom leta pa bi bil na voljo za uporabo drugim formalnim in neformalnim glasbenim in performativnim skupinam.
Krajinsko arhitekturna ureditev ob reki bi omogočila nadalnji razvoj Maribora, ki ima bogato zgodovino performativne umetnosti. Z arhitekturno potezo pa bi se opolnomočilo tudi zaledje nekdanjega industrijskega območja na južnem nabrežju Drave.
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